Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Saint Louis, Missouri

St. Louis - The "Archway to the West" is truly beautiful and such a wonder when you see how it was built. 

 It is 630 feet up in the air and appears differently with the changes in the day light. We were in an RV Park just across the Mississippi River from it so we could see it from there in all light. 
Some interesting satistics,
The Seattle Space needle is 605', 
Washington Monument is 555' 5 1/8", 
Statue of Liberty 305' 
and The Kennedy Space Center Fl is 184' high.

We went to the top in a 5 passenger pod.  It is cozy and it runs up an elevator shaft from each side of the arch.  You go to the top and then go up some stairs to the view area on top.  There are some window where you can see the city from all directions. 

There is also a movie that shows the building of the arch that is very interesting.  I was amazed that no lives were lost building the Arch because of the complexity of this project.  

Guess where we are now?

 Is  this "B" for Bert ???

We took a tour of Anheuser - Busch. Bert wasn't the DD for this tour.   
                     This mosaic is finished with oyster shells! 

Our last stop before leaving St Louis was at the Broadway Oyster Bar. This is another one of those "Red Neck Bars" but this one has good food.  John and Kay had stumbled upon it five years ago when they were visiting the Arch and it was worthy of a second visit.      

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