Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Dunes and the California Coast

This was at the Camp 18,  loaded it on the wrong page.
On our way down Route 101 in Oregon we stopped by at the Tillmook Cheese Factory wear we observed the cutting and packaging of cheese.  This is such a tedious job that about every five minutes many of the workers rotate their position on this somewhat automated production line.  They make ice-cream, milk, yogurt, and all the flavors of cheese you can think of.

This area also advertized the Octopus tree and Cape Meares scenic loop and Light House. It was  scenic, the road was very narrow and with very few guard rails it was nerve racking.   When we got up to the top we couldn't make the turn with the dingy on (that is what we RV'ers   call our tow vehicle,  hee,hee..) because the road was closed the rest of the way up.  So the guys unhooked and Bert turned around, re-hooked and we continued on our way.  

California Coast

A selfie… ready for the Dunes Ride.   
This was a fun ride, with lots of wind in our faces.  The Sand Dunes are massive.  When we got out in the middle of them it was like a town out there except they only had a couple of street signs that I saw.

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