This is such a wild river. It goes from small streams to rushing gorges as it winds it's way out to the pacific ocean. We stopped at many of the viewing areas over the approximately 80 miles we followed it.
Redwood Forest
The Redwood trees only grow in about a 35 mile strip down the coast of
California extending a short way into Oregon. The size of the the Redwoods give one
a feeling of awe and reverence, they humble the mind to think these
tallest living things may span a dozen or more human generations.
The knob on this tree are almost as tall as Bert is. These are caused by some form of trauma. Sometimes it is flood water or injury from another tree falling against it. The Redwood are among the oldest living things. A tree near here was found to be over 2200 years old, the oldest recorded redwood.
Check out these Stats.
Does this picture make my butt look big?
Below is Kay standing in front of a old growth tree that has been through many fires and natural occurrences throughout the centuries. Even though it appears to be badly damaged by fire it is still living and has a full crop of green needles.
This is the first drive thru tree we came across.

This was the tightest to drive through! It was close to the mirrors
Below is the famous Chandelier Drive Through Tree in Leggett, California. Both of these trees are still living trees. 

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