Tuesday, April 10, 2018

4/8/18 San Antonio Texas

We arrived in the city of San Antonio. We toured the Alamo, it was a very interesting day.  After that we walked to the Famous River Walk Area which has been developed around the river running through the City with many hotels and restaurants.  We took a boat ride tour though the newly developed 8 mile River and enjoyed the culture of the area.  

This Big Oak Tree is 144 years old and was planted in the middle of the Alamo when it was 40 years old.

This is an example of the Hospital Treatment Room  and some of the equipment they used.  In the corner there is bowl where they kept the leaches used to clean the wounds. 

This is a locket with a piece of David Crockett’s hair and his hair brush.  

This is the spot that he lost his life.

Incase you have lost something you should pray to Saint Anthony to help you find it! He is along the River Walk, also. 

We stopped off for some culture and dinner at "Mad Dogs Pub" a British Restaurant.  Then heading back to camp, it was almost bed time for these weary travelers.  

Cinderella's Chariot! 

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