Wednesday, April 25, 2018

4/ 21, 22, & 23 /18 Pacific Coast

We spent the last two days parsing the Coast, it is very beautiful. We dropped the Rv’s along the road way and took the car to allow us to go as far as we could.  
We head north, the next stop we can to was the Hearst Castle, we took a two hour guided tour there which only allowed us the outside and and first floor.  Upon our return to the reservation complex we watch a movie on the Hearst Family and the developing of the castle.  I was interested to learn the architect was Julia Morgan and that was impressive as far back as 1919 -1947 the years that she and William Randolph Hearst designed it.  

 The view of the Ocean was what Mr. Hearst fell in love with.

WoW...The inside pool!

After the the castle we continued up the coast, to Cambria and to the end of the open road at Ragged Point, where the bridge was compromised by the mud slides.  

Northern Elephant Seals sunning them selves on the beach along the road side.

We returned to the RV's and went back to the main roads to head to Monterey and Pebble Beach area to spend the next two nights, this allowed us to see the other end of the coast from that couldn't get to with the most direct route due to the mud slides.  

This was on the way around the inland route towards Monterey. 

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