Sunday after the Corn Palace we drove to Wall famous for the Wall Drug Store that is a one block long store that has been in business sense 1931. It is quite a tourist attraction with plenty of shopping opportunities and a garden area filled with attractions for children to play. We went to the garden and experience the dragon/dinosaur that appears to be the mascot while he was having a feeding frenzy.
Monday we spent four of five hours driving around the Badlands Loop by car. We were able to spot many of the animals listed on the guide given to us at the gate and some beautiful scenery. John drove us up one of the dirt roads off the loop in hopes of seeing some Bison. Sure enough we came across a heard about 350 strong. There were Babies to Granddaddy's. They own the land and as you can see they are not the least bit concerned with the cars driving by. They walk out in front of the car and stand in the road looking at you.
As for the scenery it needs no explanation.
After this beautiful view we started back towards Wall to pick up the motor home. We made a short stop at a missal silo where we were able view the war head and hear an audio tour over our cell phones. It was scary but gave you a scense of security at the same time. Arriving back at the camp grounds and loading the car we were "On the Road Again" (Willy Nelson) for a few hour drive to Custer and KeyStone Area. We found a camp ground named Crazy Horse where we will settle in for a three nights and venture out daily to see the sights in this location.
The first night at dark we went to Crazy Horse to experience a laser light show. It is a carving on the mountain side and is a work in progress to acknowledge the Indian Heritage. It was very moving. We returned there on day two in the daylight. There are many local venders demonstrating their crafts and selling their wears. We went through the museum of the past and saw their vision for the future. This sculpture is very far from finished but the work continues and has many visitors and much support. We feel very fortunate to have been there on Tuesday because we were able to experience a blast for the beginning of a new section.
Woe, snakes!!! Yuck. Watch out around the camper when you unhook. You'll need more than an epi-pen!