Friday, August 15, 2014

Wednesday the 13th already.

Today we went to Hot Springs where we found a man gathering water at one of the 170 springs promising to give you: " ever lasting youth and good health."
Of coarse we filled our water bottles and I can't wait for the everlasting YOUTH to kick in.

The Children just had to get in the warm water of Hot Springs. 
Kelsey and Bertie (as Kelsey calls him)were checking  the temp of the water falls.  

This is a Long Horn Prong Antelope that we saw along the Highway on the return trip from Hot Springs.

  This was Kelsey's dream activity for the trip.  Boy, it looks a lot more comfortable on the young.  
Sure glad we had help getting off!

1 comment:

  1. Save some food, Lisa still has friends in Pasadena ! Is John bringing back any bison ? Who is riding crazy horse ( lol ). We are enjoying the pics. What beautiful country. Stay safe & enjoy.
