Thursday, May 10, 2018

5/2/18 Old Town Albuquerque, New Mexico

Kay and I did some window shopping and Bert and John found "The La Placita" to hang out and wait for Us.   We later joined them for a drink and got a tour and the history of the building from the hostess that worked there. 
The original building was built in1706 as a home, restored in 1930 and refinished in 1955 to become the home of this Mexican restaurant with Air conditioning in all 6 dining rooms.   

It was originally a home and as the needs grew they made additional houses and attached them,one after another.  They are built of Adobe .  

This is a hair, gravel and mud spot of Adobe that has been damaged but left that way and
covered over with a rug.

This staircase was shipped from Paris to this home because the bride (pictured below) wanted a large stairway to feature her Wedding Gown.

She used it to make a GRAND entrance for her wedding that was said to have lasted 3 months.

Spoiled Daughter I would guess!!

 The trees are NOT cut in Albuquerque so when this addition was made, they built it around the tree sparing it from damage and changing the structure as it matured to this point over the years.
They have had to make room for the growth from time to time over many years.

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